Foto 8 magazine features a slideshow Crossing The Limpopo showcasing the work by Shervorn Monaghan who, earlier this year, was in Musina, the point of entry into South Africa for most Zimbabweans.
Thousands of Zimbabweans have migrated to cities like Johannesburg, trying to escape their country, forced to look elsewhere to make a life for themselves. Xenophobia has recently erupted in South Africa, and Zimbabweans, Somalis, Mozambicans and Malawians were attacked in Johannesburg and other areas, as South Africans accuse these foreigners of taking their jobs and contributing to violence.
Shervorn Monaghan is currently based between Africa and the UK. She specializes in documentary photography and photojournalism, and has traveled extensively through South America, Southern Africa and the UK.
Foto 8 is a magazine "dedicated to publishing photo stories and new writing that supports photojournalism and original story telling whilst also exploring the boundaries between photography, journalism and art."