Monday, January 5, 2009

PBS: The Story of India

Image © Callum Bulmer-All Rights Reserved

Yesterday's New York Times' reports that “The Story of India”, a six-hour, three-night mini-series will begin Monday on most PBS stations.

The series is from the British historian Michael Wood, whose projects have included “Art of the Western World” and “Conquistadors.” I met Michael Wood in 2001 while photographing the Maha Kumbh Mela in Allahabd. I presume that some of the footage he produced there will make its way in the series.

The article promises a documentary with lush photography, fascinating facts, and sense of discovery. Just in time to whet my appetite for my forthcoming Theyyam of Malabar photo-expedition!

I'm surprised that there are no credits for the photographs which appear on the PBS website.

Correction: Ethan Goldstine (Producer at kapow, inc) emailed me pointing out that there is a photo credit on the film credits page, and the correction has now been made.

Bhutan Photo Expedition: Candid Shot

Photo © Alicia Conde-All Rights Reserved

I recently received an email from Alicia Conde, who's a photographer from Belgium I met on various occasions during our stops in Bhutan last October, and she kindly attached this photograph made in the Chorten Memorial in the capital city of Thimpu.

It shows (right to left) Ugyen, one of the photo-expeditions two fixer-guides wearing the traditional gho, Gavin Gough (with the hat and his back to us), Ralph Childs aiming his camera carefully at the spinning prayer wheel, and I at the left.

Unfortunately, Alicia's mail server keeps spitting my thank you email back at me. As she tells me that she reads The Travel Photographer blog (and let's be honest...who doesn't?), this post will let her know that I'm trying to thank her.