Sunday, August 10, 2008

My Show Off: Dochu La Pass

Photograph Tewfic El-Sawy-All Rights Reserved

Dochu-La (3,088m/ 10,130 ft) is a vital pass from western Bhutan to its east, and although the chortens were built a few years ago, it's an extraordinarily beautiful place. The chortens, mani wall and the prayer flags give the site serenity and an air of sanctity.

When the skies are clear, the many mountain peaks can be seen from this pass such as Masagang (7,158m), Tsendagang (6,960m), Terigang (7,060m), Jejegangphugang (7,158 m), Kangphugang 7,170 m), Zongphugang (7,060 m), and Gangkar Puensum, the highest peak in Bhutan at 7,497m. The impressive Himalayan range can be seen in my above photograph. (Click on it to see it in a larger size).

Dochu-La is an important transition stop on The Land of the Druk Yul photo-expedition's itinerary which I'm leading from October 3 to October 17, 2008.

Tatiana Cardeal: Prestes Maia Exhibition

Social documentary photographer Tatiana Cardeal is opening her solo exhibition of images made during the Prestes Maia occupation of a building in Sao Paulo from 2005 to 2007.

The site was considered the largest vertical occupation in Latin America. The building was an old textile factory abandoned more than 20 years ago, and the owners owe millions in taxes to the municipal government. Some 2.000 people were living there, members of the Downtown Homeless Movement, which is led by 10 women from various occupied sites in the city.

Solo Exhibition: Prestes Maia:
Opening August 9, 2008: 6pm to 8pm
August 9 to October 3 2008

Alegria Gallery
2737 W Sunset Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90026
9 to 5 MF

My previous post on Tatiana Cardeal and her social documentary photography is here, and some of her images from the exhibition can be found here