Friday, August 22, 2008

Kashmir Rumbles

Farooq Khan/European Pressphoto Agency-All Rights Reserved

The New York Times features an article today on the current civil unrest in Kashmir, where it seems that the bitter dispute between India and Pakistan has reappeared. It all started with a dispute over a 99-acre piece of land, which has for more than two months been encouraged by both separatist leaders in Muslim-majority Kashmir and Hindu nationalists elsewhere in India.

It is sad that this festering wound has not healed. During the first few months of the year, tourists were flocking to Dal Lake in Kashmir. Eric Beecroft and I were so encouraged by the improving political and civil situation that we announced a wonderful Kashmir: Paradise On Earth Photo Workshop.

In late April, we decided to postpone it following explosions in Srinagar's main markets, and at the advice of our fixers and agents who believed the situation would get worse. Nevertheless, both Eric and I still hope that calm will prevail, and an accommodation will be sought and achieved between the two sides of the conflict allowing us to schedule the same workshop next year.

Rick Sammon's Travel Photo Tips

Photograph Rick Sammon-All Rights Reserved

Photographer Rick Sammon offers some travel photography tips for getting those images that are frequently (or not) elusive for some of us. There are quite a number of such tips, ranging from Dressing for Success to Drag the Shutter to Create a Sense of Motion.

Most of the tips are aimed at part-time photographers, and I agree with all of them except the final one...and that's the one in which Rick suggests paying a small fee to adults in exchange for their picture. I seldom pay people for photographs unless they are performers who earn a living from their craft, and expect something in return. Naturally, we all have our personal techniques, and there are no absolutes...however I espouse a somewhat contrary view.

You can also read my POV: The Ten Commandments, which is the most popular post on The Travel Photographer's blog in terms of readership numbers.

(Via Imaging Insider)

Barbara Paul: Traditions of India

Photographs Barbara Paul-All Rights Reserved

“Traditions of India,” a photography exhibit by Barbara Paul, will be shown at the Ridgefield Library from September 3 to October 11, 2008.

Barbara Paul travels through some of the most remote regions of Asia and Africa with the goal of capturing and sharing the region’s customs, dress, festivals and way of life. She has a special interest in the fabrics and textiles of the cultures she visits. Educated at Wellesley College and NYU School of Business Administration, Barbara resides in Westport, CT. She has exhibited at the Thomas J. Walsh Gallery at the Quick Center at Fairfield University, Tibet House in New York City, Black Rock Art Center in Bridgeport, and many other venues in Fairfield and Westchester Counties.

The exhibit portrays rich and fascinating age-old traditions, from festivals swirling with color to daily activities in remote villages to religious rituals at sacred sites. All are invited to a reception on Sunday, September 14, from 2-4PM at the Ridgefield Library in Ridgefield, CT. For more information, call (203) 438-2282.