Sunday, April 5, 2009

My Work: Kochi's Chinese Nets

Photo ©Tewfic El-Sawy-All Rights Reserved.

Here's one of the many images of Fort Kochi's famous Chinese fishing nets I made during my Theyyam of Malabar Photo~Expedition. Post processing was with Lightroom 2.3RC

These are interesting structures which, according to legend, were introduced by Zheng He, a Chinese Hui Muslim naval admiral who was ordered to explore the seas by the emperor Kublay Khan.

Each structure is about 10 meters high, consisting of a cantilever with an outstretched net suspended over the water, and stones suspended from ropes as counterweights at the other end. Each structure is operated by a team of up to six fishermen. The nets are locally called Cheena Vala.

Justin Mott: Hanoi

Photo ©Justin Mott/NYTimes-All Rights Reserved.

The New York Times' Travel section features Justin Mott's photographs of Hanoi. The accompanying article (by Naomi Lindt) highlights how the capital city of Vietnam experienced remarkable growth since the 1990s , by shedding its grimness and morphing into a sleek metropolis with high-rises, world-class cuisine and art.

I've photographed in Vietnam for an NGO in 2003, and had one week to cover various assignments from Hanoi to Can Tho in the south, and consequently acquired a limited view of this country and of its people.

Justin Mott and his work were featured quite often on this blog; for instance Saigon, Cremation in Bali, Cambodia, and a 1 on 1 Interview.