Friday, April 10, 2009

David DuChemin: Within The Frame

David DuChemin of The Pixelated Image is in the final phases of having his new book Within The Frame available at major bookstores everywhere. This a 260 page book in which David shares his experiences and knowledge acquired from years of working as a travel photographer.

Peachpit Press are publishing the book, and have posted a free down-loadable chapter of Within The Frame as a teaser.

I look forward to review David's opus soon, and expect that it'll be a must-have for all of us who are interested in travel and adventure photography. More to come soon!

Foundry Photojournalism Workshop: Another Scholarship!!

Eric Beecroft, co-founder of the Foundry Photojournalism Workshop, announced that the dispatches 2009 Foundry Scholarship in Memory of Alexandra Boulat will award one woman photographer from South Asia (India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Afghanistan, and Tibet) a full scholarship to attend the workshop as well as $100 toward travel expenses.

Eligibility: Any woman photographer from South Asia (no dual nationals from outside South Asia) may apply, including those that have applied unsuccessfully to other scholarships for the workshop.

Deadline: May 7, 2009

Winners Announced May 21, 2009

Judges: The judges are dispatches’ contributing photographers Antonin Kratochvil, Yuri Kozyrev, and Seamus Murphy.

How to Apply:
Please send a link to TWO photographic essays, each containing from 6 to 20 images, to fpw [at] rethink-dispatches [dot] com.

Write “Foundry Scholarship” in the subject line.

Also include one to two paragraphs in an attached Word doc or pdf summarising your photography background, career goals, any other workshops you’ve attended, and what you hope to get out of the Foundry workshop. Please also include the links to your galleries in the attachment.

NB: Please make sure that the images are captioned. Galleries that are fast-loading are appreciated.