Is this the dream job or what? The travel photography answer to Anthony Bourdain's culinary travels "No Reservations"!
The following post appeared on Lightstalkers:
Host Needed for Television Series: Photography & Travel
Major Television production company seeks Professional Photographer with a passion for travel and cultures to host national television series. In addition to a great photographic eye, professional credentials and portfolio, must have a sense of adventure, fun and a real love of exploring other countries and cultures. Must be male, between the ages of 30 and 50.
Send C/V, samples of work, headshot and video of you on camera to…
Coordinator, Television Editorial Development
Attn: Photo Series Host
1145 17th St. NW
Washington DC, 20036
Oh, and what does my photograph of two brass band musicians in Antigua (Guatemala) have to do with this? Nothing...except that I like the expression on the face of the guy on the right.
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