Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Edinburgh Festivals

Edinhburgh in Scotland is a city of Festivals. It is the places where peoples from around the world share information about ideas, culture and arts. There a number of events, performances that take place throughout the year. Some of the upcoming festivals in Edinburgh are the following.

International Story Telling Festival

The story telling festival takes place from october 23 to november 1. The festival brings people from around the world. There will be live story telling performances, workshops, and other fun activities. Events also take place in the city’s museums, libraries, art galleries and other venues across the city. For more information visit here

Edinburgh International Film Festival

This festival mainly focus on new and innovative cinema. It attracts a lot of audience of about 50,000. It is used for discovering new talent. Submission for the film fest opens on November 2 . Make ready of your submissions. It is a tweleve day festival from June 16-27, 2010. For more information visit International Film Festival

Edinburgh International Science Festival

It commences on April 3-17, 2010. Every ear a number of scientist and technologist share information with the public through workshops, shows and exibitions and interactions. During Spring for 2 weeks the city becomes a place for events happening in over 20 venues including the lush surrounds of the Royal Botanic Gardens, the awe inspiring grandeur of McEwan Hall and the children’s favourite City Arts Centre. For more information visit here

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